Contextualization of our centre
The centre is a Secondary School located in a city of Castilla y León with a population of 150,000 inhabitants. The school is located in an upper-middle class neighbourhood where there are residential areas of apartments, shops, kindergartens, a public health centre, a public Primary School, a church, parks, an indoor sports centre, a public library, and a municipal theatre. The socio-cultural level of the population ranges from middle to high level; in general, families are composed of one or two progenitors of around 35-40 years old and one or two children. Most of the students’ parents work outside home because many of them are professionals, civil servants, teachers, administrators, etc. The greater part has an intermediate education and many have university studies; they value positively the academic and cultural education of their children and collaborate with the centre.
The Neighbourhood Association of the quarter where the high school is located makes frequent activities in the cultural centre and many of the students participate in them. The Mothers and Fathers Association, in collaboration with the Physical Education teachers, is responsible for the organization of students’ trips and sports activities, and in the afternoon, it gives support in the library.
Two stages of studies are taught in the centre: the first stage comprises the Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) studies, with a line of three groups per course; on the second stage, which corresponds to Bachelors studies, the modalities of Sciences and Humanities and Social Science are taught, having both two groups per course. The number of teachers that the school has this year is 50, including specialists, as the number of students in slightly above 500. According to the regulations, lessons are taught in the morning while afternoons are devoted to activities of study and educational reinforcement at the school library, carried out in collaboration with the Mothers and Fathers Association, as well as to extracurricular and sports activities.
The Neighbourhood Association of the quarter where the high school is located makes frequent activities in the cultural centre and many of the students participate in them. The Mothers and Fathers Association, in collaboration with the Physical Education teachers, is responsible for the organization of students’ trips and sports activities, and in the afternoon, it gives support in the library.
Two stages of studies are taught in the centre: the first stage comprises the Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) studies, with a line of three groups per course; on the second stage, which corresponds to Bachelors studies, the modalities of Sciences and Humanities and Social Science are taught, having both two groups per course. The number of teachers that the school has this year is 50, including specialists, as the number of students in slightly above 500. According to the regulations, lessons are taught in the morning while afternoons are devoted to activities of study and educational reinforcement at the school library, carried out in collaboration with the Mothers and Fathers Association, as well as to extracurricular and sports activities.
How are we going to develop our units?
All units contain posters, activities, gamification exercises, reinforcement links, external links to audios and videos, and grammar charts. In the section "In common" we will find all common contents to all units (as for example the "Word of the Day") and links to useful websites for fast finishers, reinforcement for those students who will need it, and extra activities as for example, those related with festivities.
This website/blog has been designed not only for the June 2021 public examination, but as a bank of knowledge with a complete practical apply for our daily labour. It's not a theoretical website, but a practical one.